Shopping and the way people shop has changed tremendously over the years and would continue to change. Gone are the years when people do their shopping around their houses and in near-by streets or markets. Today, shopping has gone to another level entirely and has been splited into two which are:
OFFLINE SHOPPING MALLS: Many offline shopping malls should have gained a solid ground in the online terrain had it been they tapped into the power of the internet earlier, but reverse is the case. The cost of running an offline shopping mall can not be compared with the cost of running online shopping mall. This does not mean that offline shopping malls are not making sales or thriving and having the patronage they desire. There are many advantages in setting up offline shopping malls and an example of a successful offline shopping mall is 'SHOPRITE'.
ONLINE SHOPPING MALLS: Online shopping malls is the big wave in town now. Many Nigerians now prefer buying goods from the comfort of their home or rooms than going through the stress of traffic and long queue in offline shopping malls. Some people may actually think that offline shopping malls translated into online shopping malls, but that's not the case or maybe online shopping malls just emerged out of the blue, but the idea to setup an online shopping mall was there waiting all the time to be tapped until someone finally tapped into it and brought to existence the mighty 'KONGA'.
I would not say that online shopping malls are better-off offline shopping malls and vice versa, they both have their unique merits and demerits, but what I look forward to seeing in the nearest future is an ''HYBRID SHOPPING MALL'', though, the hybrid shopping mall is my self created word and and idea .

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